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Extendistance Taipei 102

Space immersion

The Scalability of Taipei 102 is an artistic project co-produced by four artists cross different countries in remote ways, including Wang, Chun Li and Mehmet Güren based in Berin and Wei Huang and Cheng, Daoyuan based in Taipei. They are in different regions and they think and reflect with various entry points for the initial attempts in the technologically and geographical environmentally interdisciplinary performance creation project. They tend to break the established cultural frame in the visual and music field, and challenge the new multi-person, crossfield and cross-cultural creative methods.

Focus is placed on different cities where we stay. As to image creation, we adopt the collage method to combine with the AI technology that images can be generated from text, to stack and mix various aspects of the cities, while shuttling back and forth between micro and macro perspectives. For the sounds in this art project, each creator provide their own materials, and re-arrange and interpret after modulation and deconstruction are conducted with parameter. In the composition, the experimental electronic sound and traditional percussion sampling are mixed, and it is produced by experimental improvisation, in which the hazy soundscapes and abstract beats are intended to be used as the narrative of the relationship between consciousness and inorganic matters.

Wei Huang, Cheng Daoyuan, Wang Chun Li, Mehmet Güren